The duration of an inspection varies widely, depending on a number of factors.

1. Home size
2. Number of defects
3. Cooperation of the owner when preparing for the inspection.

One can expect somewhere between two and three hours unless there are exceptional circumstances.

The home inspection is a visual only inspection and is limited to what can be seen at the time of the inspection. It is very important to review the inspection agreement as well as the state’s SOPs to understand what is inspected and the limitations.

A home purchase is one of the single largest investments a person can make. Know what you are purchasing. Understand what you are getting yourself into. Get an expert opinion so you can make the right choice. Having the knowledge about a home ahead of time, makes a home inspection a good investment. A home inspector advises you of potential problems like an HVAC system that is at the end of its life or a much-needed roof replacement. Have the opportunity to address any issues prior to moving in to your new home.

The inspector will examine all structures and major systems of a home. This includes structural components, basement, foundation, windows, doors, floors, ceilings, walls, attic, roof, plumbing, electrical, and HVAC. They will identify important factors for you to consider as you make your home ownership decision. Your home inspector is always happy to answer any questions you have during the inspection.

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